Imagovision' DragonFly

Technological innovation at the service of the common good.

To respond to the current health emergency generated by the Coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19), Imago, in close collaboration with the Copan Group, created DragonFlyTM, a thermal imaging camera device capable of detecting body temperature remotely and without contact.

DragonFlyTM, already active at the Poliambulanza Foundation and at the Spedali Civili di Brescia, has been designed to be placed at the entrance of hospitals, companies and any structure to manage body temperature screening in greater safety. Based on infrared technology, thanks to innovative features such as automatic adaptation to the ambient temperature and the internal calibration of the thermal imaging camera, DrangonFlyTM is able to reliably detect the body temperature of anyone who simply positions themselves in front of the screen.

In a time of great emergency like this, Imago wanted to make its contribution by creating a device that could raise the level of health control both by protecting operators and by speeding up the reception operations at the hospital facility in complete safety.

The Imago staff will continue to work on DragonflyTM for its improvement and to make it even more functional and innovative.

miniDis is proud to contribute a small but vital part for this innovation, by supplying fitlet2 industrial mini-PC’s to Italian artificial vision systems designer, Imago Vision.

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